Good SEO starts with a solid website development strategy.
Note, a well-structured website is important if you want to rank in search results. First, you need to look at website development from both a technical and user standpoint. Think of it this way, when you browse sites, you want the experience to be fast and intuitive. For example, Amazon has a lot of products and categories, but it’s a simple site to navigate. You can easily find what you need there.
Your site should be built the same way, fast, responsive, intuitive to navigate, and visually appealing.
Why Website Development and Design are Important
It’s easy to forget how fickle people can be. Remember, if they have to wait too long for a site to load, why should they stay? There are thousands of websites in the same niche as your business. If any part of your website is confusing or hard to navigate, users will continue to leave you in droves. We’ve seen this happen to a lot of clients and it takes time to fix. That’s why starting out on the right foot is usually the easier route.
UI/UX or the User interface and User Experience is an important aspect of web design and creation. Vissina starts by looking at what drives users to your website. What makes you unique as a business? We also take a look at your high-ranking competition to see what they’re doing right. Once we see their strategies, it’s easy to improve and outrank them. The next step is to map out a solid structure that makes sense to the user. Keep in mind, this is achieved by creating a simple website map that doesn’t stray too far from your homepage. You never want a website that forces customers to go 4, 5, or even 6 pages deep just to find what they need.
For example, imagine how frustrating it is when you go to a website with the intention to buy something specific and you can’t find it. It’s easy to go to another website that’s simpler to use.
The Goal of a Website
Now, you may have a single product or 10,000 products. The goal is still the same. You want convenience for both search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing) and your users. When search engines crawl your site, they act like a person. They look at your structure, your content, and decide if you’re site is user-friendly. Therefore, you
However, what makes sense to a user may not always sense to a search engine. We find the path that satisfies both parties so you have a strong website.

Website Development and Branding
In this era, it’s all about looks.
Part of the website design game is branding. Of course
When you walk into an Apple store, you feel like you’re in a classic car showroom. The same is true of their website. In addition, you
Graphic Design
While keeping with the vision and voice of your store, we use our graphics team to make appealing visuals that draw people to the most important aspects of your website. This way, we create a funnel for people to travel the pages of your website. Likewise, s
Your brand should be the culmination of everything on the site, from custom graphics to the content on the page. We make sure everything on your website is built in perfect cohesion, making it easier to build a strong brand for your business.
Website Technical Errors and Fixes
Like we said, you need a website that’s fast and mobile-friendly. These are two things that search engines take very seriously. Factors like these deeply impact the user experience. Google is smart enough to deindex sites that can’t load and give that juice to better-performing businesses. Your technical issues, like redirects and 404 pages can deter many of your users. While we build your site, we keep all these
The design of your website is usually the first interaction a user has with your business. If they don’t like what they see, you can forget about turning them into a life-long customer. You want to appeal to the people that are most likely to come back again and again.
If there’s one thing Vissina knows how to do right, it’s website development and graphic design. It’s easy to make something that looks pretty. It can be difficult to put in the work and make something that will last. We
Contact Vissina today to discuss quality SEO website development for a better user experience.